It's amazing how a crisis-- a severe one-- can put one's life into perspective, and make you realize how truly thankful you should be for what you have.
This year, we've faced many hurdles. My husband has been trying to get a better job, so that I could return to school, and eventually get something going of my own. On top of that, we received news that my husband's health had declined to the point where dialysis would be eminent by the end of the year.
And dealing with that-- and the finances, lack of family, etc., it's been a hard burden to carry around. And unfortunately for my husband, he has a wife, who will panic and think the worst all of the time!
So, I tried one of those online meditation programs that one talk show lady and her friend were doing.
That sooooo did not work. Her friend would talk about relaxing and having your mind go blank. Instead, I ended up thinking how long I had left until he rang the bell, the laundry I needed to put in the dryer-- or when my husband would come in the room, see what I was doing, and laugh!
That was when I noticed a friend of mine, posting some things that she had crocheted on her Facebook page.
She ended up spending a couple hours, teaching me the basic chain and single crochet stitch. And I've been hooked ever since.
(Ha, ha. I just noticed the pun!)
Crocheting does two things that soothes a constant worrier like myself. 1. It relaxes me. 2. I am doing something productive while I am relaxing.
So for the past few months, I've been working on a couple of blankets and scarves. (Infinity scarves! It's just such a neat hobby to get into!)
And I realized that as I go, that I can make other things as well. (Like a beanie.)
It's just neat to count by 10's, relax, and watch your stress be converted into something of use!
I just wanted to say what I've been up to, and suggest it to any of those who are trying to look for a way to relax, and for the same reasons I have, haven't been able to.
Look up the directions on YouTube. They have some great tutorials. It seems intimidating at first, but once you get the hang of it, you'll be like "ohhhhhhhhhh... I get it"!
~Ps. Thankfully, we received great news on my husband's kidney front, where his levels "miraculously" went up enough to place him back into Stage 3! :)